Pipe-like solids.


Let's create a pipe-like solid with a contour-clip, round hole and contour-profile consitsing of arcs and line segments.


This code creates a contour-clip and a round hole:



sgCObject*   objcts[7];


 SG_POINT    ArP1;

 SG_POINT    ArP2;

 SG_POINT    ArP3;

 SG_ARC      ArcGeo;


 ArP1.x = -0.2; ArP1.y = -0.2; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = -0.1; ArP2.y = 0.2; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = -0.3; ArP3.y = 0.1; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[0] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);



 ArP1.x = -0.1; ArP1.y = 0.2; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = 0.3; ArP2.y = 0.5; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = 0.2; ArP3.y = 0.6; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[1] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 ArP1.x = 0.3; ArP1.y = 0.5; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = -0.2; ArP2.y = -0.2; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = 0.6; ArP3.y = -0.4; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[2] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 sgCContour* cnt2 = sgCContour::CreateContour(objcts,3);



 cnt2->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


 SG_CIRCLE   cirGeo;

 SG_POINT    cirC = {0.3, -0.1, 0.0};

 SG_VECTOR    cirNor = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};

 cirGeo.FromCenterRadiusNormal(cirC,0.31, cirNor);

 sgC2DObject*  cir = sgCreateCircle(cirGeo);



 cir->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);



Now let's create a contour-profile consisting of 1 line segment and 4 arcs:


 ArP1.x = 0.0; ArP1.y = -2.0; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = 1.0; ArP2.y = -1.0; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = 0.4; ArP3.y = -1.2; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[0] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 ArP1.x = 1.0; ArP1.y = -1.0; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = 2.0; ArP2.y = 0.0; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = 1.9; ArP3.y = -0.5; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[1] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 ArP1.x = 2.0; ArP1.y = 0.0; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = 1.0; ArP2.y = 1.0; ArP2.z = 0.0;

 ArP3.x = 1.6; ArP3.y = 0.8; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[2] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 objcts[3] = sgCreateLine(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0);


 ArP1.x = -1.0; ArP1.y = 1.0; ArP1.z = 0.0;

 ArP2.x = -1.0; ArP2.y = 0.0; ArP2.z = 1.0;

 ArP3.x = -1.1; ArP3.y = 1.0; ArP3.z = 0.0;


 objcts[4] = sgCreateArc(ArcGeo);


 sgCContour* cnt1 = sgCContour::CreateContour(objcts,5);



 cnt1->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


Further you must define both a point in the arc-clip plane which will move along the profile, and a rotation angle around this point. Let this point be (0, 0, 0) and the rotation angle 0 degrees. Let's build a surface:


SG_POINT point_in_plane = {0.0,0.0,0.0};


 bool  close = true;

 sgC3DObject* pipO = (sgC3DObject*)sgKinematic::Pipe((const sgC2DObject&)(*cnt2),

         (const sgC2DObject**)(&cir),1,

         (const sgC2DObject&)(*cnt1), point_in_plane, 0.0, close);





Then let's move the obtained surface:


SG_VECTOR transV1 = {3.0,1.0,0};





See also:


sgCArc   SG_ARC


sgCContour   sgCContour::CreateContour

sgGetScene sgCScene::AttachObject   sgCObject::SetAttribute


