static sgCTorus* sgCTorus::Create(double r1, double r2, short m1, short m2)
Creates an object of the TORUS class with the center in the coordinate origin and the normal along the Z axis.
r1 - torus radius,
r2 - torus thickness,
m1 - the number of meridians on the torus circle,
m2 - the number of meridians on the torus cut
More about the arguments meanings - SG_TORUS
Returned value:
Returns the pointer to the created object. If one of the arguments is negative or equal to zero, the function returns NULL.
Following shortening is set:
#define sgCreateTorus sgCTorus::Create
sgCTorus* tor = sgCreateTorus(10.0, 1.0, 24, 24);
See also:
Objects hierarchy sgCObject methods SG_TORUS